Some Fabric and Few Pieces of Bone
Some Fabric and a Few Pieces of Bone (2006) is defined by the coexistence of three independent elements. The first element is a through-composed electroacoustic part, a series of sonic gestures whose pace is controlled by the performer. This element is also structurally coupled to the sonic environment. Its spatial location is determined by the behavior of sound in the performance space. The other two elements are akin to "fabrics" of sound, which occupy discrete locations in the sonic environment. They, too, are structurally coupled to the space. They transform, often by rippling and flowing, in response to sonic events in the performance space, occasionally assuming spectral qualities (the shape, if you will, much like pressing your face against a drape or curtain) of these sonic events.
This is a 2-channel mix of a multichannel performance in the composer’s studio.